3 things to know about keywords in SEO

What is Keyword

Keywords in SEO can just be a word, yet it can also be a descriptive phrase used to describe what you are searching for. 

To illustrate this, let’s say we are in the pen business and we have a website that sells different types of pens. We obviously want to rank on what people are going to type into the search box in order to find our product. Some words might be “marker, pen, highlighter” etc.. These types of words can be called as root of a keyword or we can also refer to these as base keywords.

But having base keyword doesn’t tell us much of what user is trying to search for. So by adding more information to the base keywords we can quickly understand more of what is being is searched for. So the sort of words that provides additional insights to base keywords are commonly known as modifiers. e.g “blue pen ballpoint“.

Adding additional action words, or adjectives, to a keyword base and modifier further enhance the keyword meaning and are often called keyword extenders. e.g “pen ballpoint medium blue“.

keywords in seo

All three of these elements are used to help dig deeper into understanding the purpose of the keyword. It’s important to note that search engines don’t need the base modifier and extension to be in order. You can mix up the order without concern of mixing up the search engines.

Keywords Objectives

One common mistake people make when starting keyword research for keywords in SEO is, that they only consider traffic as the main deciding factor for what keywords to utilize.

Obviously, traffic is an important metric and it will be something that we focus on. However, understanding your site’s purpose truly is the genesis of keyword research.

So when you begin to start your website or blog, for keywords in seo, you should look at three specific areas:

  • The first area is centered on the website’s reach. Like who are the target people you are going to offer.
  • The next section to consider is, what you want to establish with your website.
  • The third thing I consider is, what can my website increase? Obviously, increasing revenues is nice, but also credibility and visibility might be something you desire to increase.

When looking at doing keyword objectives, here are several questions to consider.

First, what keywords reach your demographic?

Knowing who you are targeting.

I strongly believe that there are many doing SEO who only care about the traffic numbers and not the faces behind those numbers.

The more you know about those searching for your website, the easier it is to provide them something they actually want.

Though SEO can be technical, when it comes to looking at the impact of SEO, it will always be in the realm of marketing.

Assess each of your keywords in SEO objectives and determine what keywords actually bring about the greatest value overall for your website.

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